Want a job in the Care Economy?
Are you looking to change your role, or enter the care economy, in child care, aged care, NDIS or as a community support worker?
Current Job Listings
Do you have a job to post?
CMSolutions members may post an advertisement on this page. Please email your job advertisement to info@cmsolutions.org.au. Posts are FREE for members and by price by consultation for non-members.
What must be included in your job advertisement:
- Position title
- Name of employer
- Employment status (part-time, casual or fulltime)
- A brief outline of the position
- Contact details for potential applicants
- Date applications close
Other information you may consider including:
- A little bit about your organisation
- Why an applicant would want to work for you
- Key selection criteria
- Other requirements such as qualifications or professional membership
If you have any questions or require assistance please do not hesitate to contact the CMSolutions team on 1300 007 110.