Tribute to Allan Daniel Fazldeen OAM
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Senior Management Team, colleagues, members, and friends, Community Management Solutions would like to celebrate the life of our former mentor, leader and founder, Mr Allan Daniel Fazldeen.
It is with a heavy heart that we need to inform you that our former visionary Mr Allan Fazldeen recently passed, and we wish to sincerely provide our condolences to Allan’s family and friends at this difficult time.
Community Management Solutions has been in business providing support and guidance to our members in this our 51St Year and Allan played a major role in establishing our organisation. Allan had a deep understanding of the requirements and needs of our members and served as Secretary since 1973.
Allan was very passionate about the organization as he believed that community services organisations played a vital role in the life of many Australians.
Allan was a highly educated person who held qualifications and experience in Accountancy, Management, Company Secretary, Financial Planning, Superannuation advice and Trusteeship. He was a Fellow of the Australian Society of CPA’s a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and a life member of Early Childhood Australia.
Allan made an outstanding contribution for services to families, children and community organisations in Queensland and also Nationally with his involvement lasting over 40 years.
Allan commenced his career in early childhood education and care in 1966 with C & K and became the administrator and Executive Officer and enjoyed a distinguished career with them before retiring in 2000.
Throughout Allan’s career he was committed to implementing programs of Early Childhood Education and Development for indigenous children in Australia. He worked closely with the State Department of Aboriginal and Islander Affairs in the establishment of Community controlled pre schools and kindergartens which resulted in Allan visiting communities throughout Queensland.
During this time Allan authored a widely popular management practice book “Guidelines for Committees” to assist community organisations.
In 1989 the Queensland Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations appointed Allan as a Ministerial committee member to the Queensland Community Services and Health Department’s newly formed Workplace Health and Safety Advisory Committee. During this appointment Allan presented a large number of papers to conferences and seminars and also developed a manual on Workplace Health and Safety for Community Organisations.
In 1973, Allan saw a growing need for an effective organization to help the voluntary committees of preschools, kindergartens, and childcare centres manage the day-to-day requirements of running finances and industrial relations and implementing correct human resource practices.
The organization that was created was the Pre School-Employers Association and subsequently renamed to Australian Community Services Employers Association and then to Community Management Solutions.
Allan was subsequently elected Honorary Foundation Secretary and Treasurer and remained in that position until 2008. He remained as a board member until 2022.
For his lifetime contributions to Community Management Solutions Allan was awarded a Life Membership in 1998 on his 25th Anniversary.
Allan also served on the Board of Early Childhood Australia from 1972 until 1995 and was national Vice President 1983-1987 and was made a life member. He is credited with helping to get the ‘kindergarten movement “ off the ground in Australia.
In the 2016 Australia Day Honours list, Allan Fazldeen was recognized for his service and dedication to early childhood education and care and other community organisations and awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).
Since his retirement from the workforce in 2000, Allan has continued serving in many different roles across a wide range of institutions, including his local church.
Allan had the capacity, confidence, and experience to excel in all of his roles and he had an ability to attract like minded people to help. Allan had tremendously sound leadership and communication skills. He served on committees to make a difference, and he did and was highly successful in proving direction and guidance.
Allan was renown for his critical thinking skills and ability to bring people together and to put in place the solid implementation of decisions made by organisations.
Allan will be missed tremendously; his lifetime achievements in aiding community organisations were a lifetime endeavour.
More importantly, he will be remembered by family, friends and colleagues as a person who showed kindness and compassion, was loyal, confident and someone who approached life with positivity and had the energy and commitment to overcome barriers and leave no stone unturned in helping the community.
He cannot be replaced only admired and all those who had the privilege of meeting Allan came away with a positive experience.
Allan, we thank you for your bravery, commitment and leadership.
In Memory,
Community Management Solutions.