Legislation on Portable long service entitlements for Queensland community service workers is now operative in Queensland.
Under previous arrangements, a worker who has dedicated themselves to this industry for 10 years working in five different organisations, is not eligible for long service leave until they have a decade of continuous service with the one employer.
The scheme provides long service leave entitlements for service in the industry, rather than for service with a single employer.
The scheme commenced on 1 January 2021 and employers should be registered with QLeave.
If you think your employees should be covered by the scheme, contact QLeave immediately.
*Who is eligible?
Workers employed by a community services provider in Queensland to:
- perform community services work, or
- support, supervise or manage the provision of community services.
This includes workers who:
- are engaged as a full-time, part-time or casual employee
- are engaged under a contract for service, including labour-hire workers
- operate as a sole trader (registration optional).
Who is not eligible?
Some community services workers are not eligible to join QLeave.
These include:
- federal, state and local government workers
- workers engaged to perform work unrelated to the purpose of providing community services
- workers in standalone childcare and early childhood education centres, kindergartens and school-based childcare services
- workers employed in aged care, in a nursing home or retirement village delivered by a standalone aged care provider or service.